Known errors and solutions

[Documentation based on Version 1.23]

Error Message Explanation and recommended solution
Err04: Are you sure this is an Active LimeSurvey survey? make sure your survey is active, if you use SSL (https) then your security certificate has to be valid. Otherwise, use http (not https)
Err08: Failed to read survey settings from server Offline Surveys validates survey settings every time during caching/refreshing survey… This error means either JSON-RPC on your LimeSurvey is not set, or your admin credentials are wrong/insufficient
Err09: Some survey settings do not meet Offline Surveys requirements, please fix them. Offline Surveys requires some specific survey settings to be able to run a LimeSurvey survey offline. Please correct your survey settings accordingly and test again.
Err10: Cannot download survey file. Check your Internet connection and survey URL. This error can show up if the Internet connection broke during survey caching. Just refresh the survey at Offline Surveys.
– Err11: Error Rewriting Survey file
– Err12: Cannot read survey schema. One or more question(s) not recognized by OfflineSurveys
– Err13: Survey Schema is Empty… OfflineSurveys cannot reach survey page… Did you enable token tables? They should be disabled
– Err14: DB Construction Failed, please contact
This is a rare error which may be caused by using a broken LimeSurvey template or an unknown/customized LimeSurvey question type.
Try using a professional LimeSurvey template and make sure you are using the official LimeSurvey question types.
Err15: Survey caching stopped because of JavaScript errors There’s a JavaScript error at  your survey. Any modern browser console (see shortcuts for opening them) will provide you with more details. Try fixing the given error and refresh the survey at Offline Surveys. Also consider switching to a professional LimeSurvey template and try again.
Err16: Error Downloading Survey Resources Refresh survey and answer Yes when told that some files are missing.


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